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Unlocking The Ancient Power of
Real. Powerful. Food.

Soy is a Superfood.

For thousands of years soybeans have been a part of a traditional Asian diet. This is due to soybeans having a robust nutritional profile. Soybeans are rich in vitamins, minerals, and complete protein. Soybeans contain all the essential amino acids, and this makes them unique. Traditional dishes were generally fermented to unlock the true benefits of soybeans and over the year’s epidemiologist have noted that these traditional diets have led to overall lower occurrences in prostate cancer, breast cancer and other health issues. A study on residents of Okinawa, Japan found a soy rich diet to be a major contributor to some calling it “the healthiest place on earth.”

Soy is a Superfood.

Soy consumption in human diet has been linked to decreased incidence of a variety of cancers, suggesting a potential role of soy products in cancer prevention and control.

Furthermore, a substantial body of evidence in the literature suggests that soy supplementation may improve the efficacy and prevent the adverse effects of cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Isoflavones constitute the predominant anticancer bioactive compounds in soy.

Sahin I, Bilir B, Ali S, Sahin K, Kucuk O. Soy Isoflavones in Integrative Oncology: Increased Efficacy and Decreased Toxicity of Cancer Therapy. Integr Cancer Ther. 2019 Jan-Dec;18:1534735419835310. doi: 10.1177/1534735419835310. PMID: 30897972; PMCID: PMC6431760.

But, We Have Diluted its Power...

Over the years, the industrial applications of growing soy have dominated the growing market for soybean production.

From crayons to fuel, soybeans found their way into almost every aspect of our lives. This rise in demand caused a major need to increase the production of soybean crops. In the early 1990s the agricultural implications of genetic engineering were starting to be realized. With this type of advancement, they could produce a crop that could resist drought, herbicides, disease and increase or decrease specific profile traits of the crop.

This genetic engineering and rushed growing process has led to a major decline in the quality of much of the soy available today - making it in many cases have negative health effects instead of positive.

However, there are still some species of soybean that are available today that can have the same positive health effects experienced for thousands of years.

Of the over 2000 species of soy there are only a few that have the nutrient density of the ancient variety.

During the 1980s a hospital nutritionist was looking to combat the side effects of traditional cancer treatments.

He found a particular species of soybean untouched or contaminated by genetic modification or engineering. Grown at an elevation of 3,300 feet, isolated in Mongolia in soil fertilized by volcanic ash.

The Ancient Soybean was rediscovered.

Supercharging Your Superfood

He knew the real key to unlocking the full potential was fermentation. This makes these compounds exponentially more bioavailable to your body. In other words, your body can readily absorb the nutrition. This is the primary reason we do not encapsulate or use a dry version. Keeping it in the liquid state allows for your body to begin assimilation the moment it touches your lips.

He found this multi-stage nitogen fermented highly concetrated product naturally combated cachexia (protein calorie malnutrition). This extreme weight loss and muscle wasting is common in cancer patients and is difficult to address with traditional medicine.

This fermentation process reduces approximately 25 lbs. of raw soybean to make only one 8 oz bottle.

Our Premium Fermented Soy Beverage, Haelan 951 has been helping patients ever since. 

During the fermentation process we add no fillers, colors, flavors, or anything else that could disturb the healing properties.

The process is completed with lab testing to verify the specific levels desired are achieved and that no other contaminates are found. The fermentation process hydrolyzes many of the soybean proteins into amino acids and compounds that are rich in nitrogen, polysaccharides, and fermentation metabolites of the naturally occurring isoflavones, protease inhibitors, saponins, phytosterols and inositol hexaphosphate compounds in soybeans.

By using these naturally occurring compounds found in our specific soybeans, we have seen a dramatic increase in their ability to aid the body in natural health. Haelan 951 is rich in proteins, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, B1, B2, B12, C, D3, E, and K1. With many additional micronutrients such as daidzein, genistein, protease inhibitors, saponins, phytosterols, essential fatty acids, twenty of the twenty-two amino acids and more.

Soy is a Superfood.

The effect of fermented soy (FSWW08) on blood hematology and cachexia in cancer patients

“The clinical study presented here shows that the use of two fermented soy products (FSWW08 (Haelan951) with and without yam root extract) reduces appetite loss, cachexia and leukocytopenia in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy.”

Rohr UD, Li WW, Ziqiang H, Wainright W, Schindler AE. The effect of fermented soy (FSWW08) on blood hematology and cachexia in cancer patients. Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig. 2012 Dec;12(3):407-18. doi: 10.1515/hmbci-2012-0028. PMID: 25436700.


The flavonoid beverage Haelan 951 induces growth arrest and apoptosis in pancreatic carcinoma cell lines in vitro

"The results show for the first time that Haelan may be a promising candidate in the treatment of human pancreatic cancer, and its anticancer activity may be potentiated when administered with calpain inhibitors."

Rothe J, Wakileh M, Dreißiger K, Weber H. The flavonoid beverage Haelan 951 induces growth arrest and apoptosis in pancreatic carcinoma cell lines in vitro. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2015;15:212. Published 2015 Jul 3. doi:10.1186/s12906-015-0734-0


Managing immunity in resistant cancer patients correlates to survival: results and discussion of a pilot study

"This publication reports two new findings from a pilot study with postsurgical, treatment resistant patients conducted over four years. First, neither treatment resistance nor side effects were observed. Second, more patients have survived than expected."

Gocan AG, Bachg D, Schindler AE, Rohr UD. Managing immunity in resistant cancer patients correlates to survival: results and discussion of a pilot study. Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig. 2011 Nov 1;8(2):455-69. doi: 10.1515/HMBCI.2011.122. PMID: 25961344.


Balancing steroidal hormone cascade in treatment-resistant veteran soldiers with PTSD using a fermented soy product (FSWW08): a pilot study

“It is the first time that the normalization of the whole steroidal hormone cascade in the blood could be correlated with improvements in mental and physical parameters (especially metabolic and immunologic disorders) in veterans with combat-related and treatment-resistant PTSD.”

Gocan AG, Bachg D, Schindler AE, Rohr UD. Balancing steroidal hormone cascade in treatment-resistant veteran soldiers with PTSD using a fermented soy product (FSWW08): a pilot study. Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig. 2012 Jun;10(3):301-14. doi: 10.1515/hmbci-2011-0135. PMID: 25436688.

How does Haelan 951 work?

As mentioned before the original intent was to combat cachexia in late stage cancer patients. This was the focus of many of the early studies and continues to be a focus today. The high concentration and combination of anti-inflammatories, amino acids and other phyto-nutrients allows the gut to heal and nutrient absorption to resume.

Because other things were noted during these treatment combination studies, Haelan 951 went on to be looked at for various other hormonal, inflammatory, and toxic load driven problems such as PTSD, ALS, and others.

What do Health Professionals Think of Haelan 951?

"During my second cancer journey, Haelan 951 was an important part of my healing protocol and had a very positive impact on my healing... I have recommended Haelan 951 for many years."

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

"When we have people employ Haelan 951, it's amazing what we see and our medical team does blood profiles and follow-ups... If you are facing any immune problem this can help."

Dr. Brian Clement

Co-Director Hippocrates Health Institute

“I’ve been recommending Haelan 951 for over 20 years for all damaged immune system protocols. What I’ve found is that there is nothing better to help build back the immune system than this product. It has all the right compounds, and the right delivery method, to deliver what the body needs to recover. This is a great company and I’ve loved working with them.”

Dr. James Dail PhD, ThD, ND

Health the Right Way

"I recommend Haelan 951 on a regular basis. It is full of nutrients that are balanced by nature. Haelan 951 has a track record of being anti-inflammatory and boosting immunity like nothing else."

Dr. Jill MacDougall

Healing Integrity

The Time to Invest in Your Health is Now!

Scientifically designed organic, non-GMO, fermented beverage that addresses degenerative diseases through promoting the body’s natural mechanisms of healing and immune support.

It’s an immune-boosting nutritional aid with a proven history of actively improving health and quality of life for those fighting cancer, inflammation, and other diseases and illnesses.

Who have prepared 3 special packages to best serve you and your family.

Best Value

8 Bottles of Haelan 951

+1 Jar of Sweet Mint Flavoring

(Save Over 14%)

Just $409


Best Seller

4 Bottles of Haelan 951

(Save Over 9%)


Just $209


Small Bundle

2 Bottles of Haelan 951

(Save 4.5%)




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