Our team works with the top scientists in the world to ensure Haelan 951 is loaded with ingredients and compounds that help promote natural fighters. Carefully calculated levels of isoflavones (such as genistein, daidzin, & genistin), saponins, phytosterols, protease inhibitors, and phytic acid compounds combined with our unique and proven nitrogenized fermentation process creates Haelan 951. We are committed to becoming the world’s most powerful food/beverage.
During treatment, the body will typically experience side effects – what these are vary from client to client, but there are some common side effects that are more likely to occur than others.
Haelan 951 contains special vitamins, minerals, amino acids and more in levels specifically designed to combat treatment side effects. Haelan 951 is available only in a liquid form so that it can be easily administered to clients who are having trouble chewing or swallowing.
Next: Haelan 951 Intake Guidelines →